
      Waiting is not often a fun or easy experience.  Unfortunately waiting is a certainty in life.  Waiting cannot be avoided.  In scripture we are encouraged that waiting on the Lord is of great benefit to us, and should be embraced and practiced.  This waiting on the Lord involves more than “ordinary” waiting.  It is more than just biding time until whatever is next happens.  Waiting on the Lord involves the process of time, but is way more than “idling in place” until whatever is next takes place.

      Waiting of both varieties is important and valuable in life.  Waiting allows me to enjoy the music while being on hold.  It reminds me that I’m on His schedule, and not my own.  Waiting allows me to rest for what lies ahead, and allows me to focus on Him and not the task ahead.  Many times the waiting is as important as the task ahead.

      Waiting on the Lord is being still, trusting Him enough to seek Him, rest in Him, worship Him and love Him — giving Him the freedom to do what only He can do in His time.  Let us pursue Him in the midst of waiting.





Hard Truths