The Bigger Picture
The more settled we become in life the more myopic we become. We tend to look at the world from our point of view. We see only those matters that directly affect our own situation. We develop a “what about me” attitude, and seldom look beyond our own circumstances.
Jesus admonishes us to look beyond ourselves and make our focus about others — to live life concerned about other’s circumstances, and acting on the behalf of others for their benefit. We get caught up in the covid numbers in our community and how that affects us. We debate “masks or no masks,” “6 feet vs. 3 feet social distancing,” and the “role of the government in the pandemic.” We need to step back and see a bigger picture.
At this moment thousands of people in Afghanistan are concerned not about a virus, but about the reality of jihad. For some it’s not “if’ but “when” pain and death will come. In Haiti earthquakes and hurricanes have taken a toll, leaving much destruction in an already beleaguered nation. Thousands are trying to put life back together. In our own country we have extreme heat, drought, and flooding.
We need to pray! First, we should be on our faces giving thanks for the ongoing blessing of our heavenly Father. Every day we wake up we are a blessed people. Second, we should also be interceding for these who are caught up in the woes of life. We need a move of God in revival. We need Him.