In Ecclesiastes Father God reminds us that life is built around some determined “seasons.” These seasons are periods of time that move us along the path of life. There is a determined time to be born, to die, and to do a lot of living in between. Our lives can be defined and described in terms of seasons, just as can be the weather.
Each season of life prepares us for the next. I must make the most of my current season, even if it doesn’t seem pleasant or easy. If I miss out on what I need to learn in one season, I am ill-prepared for the next season. I may not like “winter” but winter is vital in the cycle of seasons.
Each season of life involves change, and often change makes me uncomfortable. But change is necessary for growth. Growth requires change and it produces change and if we are to become more like Jesus, change is imperative. Each season affords a chance to change for the better.
Whatever season of life you may find yourself walking through, embrace it. Welcome the opportunities this season of life will afford. Know that the Father walks with you in this season and is preparing you for His “next” season.