Resurrection Over

   Now that the Resurrection holiday is over, it is easy for us to quickly move on to what is next.  For those early followers it was not so easy.  Many of them weren’t secure in believing that Jesus would be raised.  For them the death was much more real than was the hope of resurrection.  Even as Jesus began to manifest Himself to various individuals and groups, the celebration of His resurrection was slow to develop.  The early disciples were still trying to make sense of all of this.

   Maybe this is why Jesus took a period of time with them before He ascended.  If I had left heaven and been earthbound for thirty plus years, I’d be ready to get back to heaven — immediately.  Especially considering all that He had endured in the past few days.  Yet Jesus purposefully and openly did life with these fledgling followers.  Heaven had to wait.

   How amazing that Jesus takes time just to be with us.  He has made resurrected life about us, not about Himself.  He pursues us passionately, hoping that we will make life about Him — nothing more, nothing less, nothing other.  We cannot move on in life if we are not moving on with Him.


We Are Witnesses


I Can Only Imagine