Happy NEW Year

There is something about the new year that brings a sense of anticipation.  Maybe it’s the sense of being at the beginning of something new, with the possibilities for good things in the year to come.  We enjoy the hope that “new” brings.

    Jesus came to bring a “new” that presents even greater possibilities - in Him we have opportunities to walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4) - to live life the way He did.  In Him we are “new” creations, old things have passed away and new things have come (2 Corinthians 5:17).  Every day is an opportunity to walk in new and exciting experiences with Him.

    Because of the “new” available to us in Christ, the Christian life is anything but routine.  Let us purpose to live in such a way that our life does not fall into routine.  Each day is a “new” page of life, a day we dedicate to Father God for Him to fill in as He pleases.  Then we will experience a happy “New” year.




Blessed to Bless Others