Blessed to Bless Others
This week we will celebrate a key moment in the founding of our country. The Declaration of Independence was officially ratified on July 4th, 1776 by those attending the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. The colonists were united in a desire to determine their own form of government, and we today enjoy many freedoms as a result of their efforts and sacrifices.
For whatever reason we have experienced the blessing hand of God. We have been so blessed that we often do not truly appreciate what we have been given. We also have failed to realize that with the blessings go the responsibility of using these blessings to benefit others.
Our mission as followers of Jesus is to take what we have been given (our freedoms, resources, truth, etc.) and use these provisions to most effectively reach as many people as possible with the gospel. As we celebrate our heritage (a look to the past), and rejoice in our current freedoms (a look to the present), let us also purpose to diligently pursue folks with the gospel (a look to the future).