Building My Life on Jesus
Throughout life we are continually reminded that Jesus is the only foundation we can stand on. As the Edward Mote hymn says, “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”
A passage referenced often to talk about Christ as our foundation is Luke 7:46-49.
I have heard references to this passage say we must build our lives (the house) on Jesus (the rock), or we will not stand when the trials of life come. As much as this is a true statement, this is not exactly the point that Jesus is trying to make. What is the point?
Jesus says, “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’ and don’t do the things I say? I will show you what someone is like who comes to me, hears my words, and acts on them.” (Luke 7:46-47)
These words from Jesus are wrapping up his time of teaching the disciples with an assurance for obedience and a warning for disobedience.
With this in mind, Jesus makes the point that one who does what Jesus says is like a man who built the house on the rock. He is the one whose house sustains because it was well built. The one who does not act on the words of Jesus is immediately met with destruction when the flood waters come.
How do we build our lives on Jesus then? It seems that the evidence of Christ as our foundation in life is when we hear his words and act on it!
If it is our desire for Christ to be our foundation, then we ought to be careful to not just hear and read what he says for us, but to act upon it.
- John Roberts