Bridge City summer update
Hey Teammates!
Greetings from Cincinnati.
The summer has been one of community engagement. We are diligently seeking to communicate that we love our community, and we are making progress! Check out this text message a friend shared with me: “A friend of mine said you (Bridge City Church) are at every outing she goes to in Anderson, and she loves that.”
It takes time to imbed yourself in a community. Little by little, as we continue to show up and serve, we are building bridges. In addition to serving at community events, we were able to host our first Vacation Bible School — This was a big-time win for us on many levels.
We are seeing a pipeline develop as people interact with Bridge City Church. Very few people just show up on a Sunday. Instead, they attend a peripheral event first (ex. VBS, Kids, Club, Craft night, etc.). After the initial interaction, they then decide if they will try a worship service. After they attend several worship services, they then decide if they will stick around.
We currently have several families at each point of the pipeline. Would you join us in praying for these families that they would continue the journey? We’re asking that each would take the next step towards regular attendance and plugging in with us on a weekly basis.
Thank you for being on the journey with us!
Here are Three Ways You Can Pray:
1. We are looking for worship leader
2. Starting a new small group on Sept 13
3. New families would join Bridge City Church
God is at work. We are seeing victory. The best is yet to come.
Let’s Win Cincinnati!
Jonathan Howard