Isaiah 10

In Isaiah 10:20-26, we see a deeply convicting passage of Scripture about how the Lord will “Raise His Staff.” Just as in Egypt, God will deliver His people once again.

Isaiah 10:26 points heavily to the story in Exodus about the Israelites forgetting the faithfulness and deliverance of the Lord. Much like the Israelites, I often forget how good and faithful the Lord has been to me.

However, as I often say, the Lord’s mercies are new every morning. The Lord, yes the same Lord, who was faithful to save His people in Egypt is faithful to save you, as well. We serve an unchanging God who deeply loved you yesterday, loves you today, and will love you forevermore.

In fact, He loves you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. What does atoning mean? In this context, atoning presents the idea that the purchase is complete. There is nothing due and no more debt left on our account. While the wages of our sin is death, the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord!

~  Bro. Brandon


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