Banner Worthy

Our Father is an awesome God.  His ways are so far greater than our ways that is impossible for us in our finiteness to begin to plumb the depths of His working.  Romans 8:28 allows us to rest in the assurance that our Father is working, many times in ways that we don’t see, to use our circumstances for our good and His glory.

   It is good to know that He is not limited by the bleakness of our circumstances or the direness of them, or even the overwhelming sense of hopelessness of our ability to do anything about our circumstances.

Whether few or many, each circumstance can be woven by Him into a fabric from which we make banners that declare that He is glorious and he is good.  

   Let us be trusting as we walk through our circumstances, knowing that Father God is in control, and that He is working.


Blessed to Bless Others

