
What a great privilege to call God our Father. There are several ways that He has chosen to relate to us, and all are a blessing to us from Him. He is Creator, fashioning us in His image, with the capacity to relate to Him as no other creatures can. He is King, and could force us to serve at His beck and call, irregardless of our willingness or desire to do so. He is Judge, and could choose to only receive us as litigants, always guilty, forever facing the condemnation of a Holy and just God.

But He is also a Father, with a heart to bring as many as will come, into His family. He wants to give Himself in very personal ways to those who walk with Him as sons. He desires to relate to us as He does with His only begotten Son, Jesus. He longs to raise up a godly generation of obedient children who will reflect His glory.

This Sunday is a day set aside to specifically honor fathers, and it is right that we should pay tribute to the men who have so impacted our lives. First and foremost, we should spend this day (and every day)honoring the One who gives Himself to us as “Abba (daddy), Father.”


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