Unsettled Times

    Unsettling times are upon us.  From day to day we get glimpses/ are bombarded with images of unrest, turmoil, and surprise.  If not for our assurance that Father God is absolutely in control we might be tempted to give in to consternation and anxiousness.

    From scripture, we know that troubling times come, whether through natural causes such as sickness or death, or by out of the ordinary means such as this virus, or the tragic death of George Floyd.  This is a good time for us to live in and live out some of the admonitions of Jesus.  Troubling times give us opportunity to live in the peace that Jesus promises.  John 14:27, “My peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you . . .Do not let your heart be troubled.”

    Troubling times are occasions for us to trust Jesus.  It is one thing to trust when things are going well, and another to be able to trust when things aren’t so good.  John 14: 1, “Do not let your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe (trust) in Me also.”

    Let’s respond to these unsettling circumstances in such a way that Father God will be honored and exalted.  May He be able to use us to produce a rainbow in the midst of this storm.

