We are on the verge of that very special week in church life when we specifically invest in the lives of children.  We call this week Vacation Bible School.  Beginning with our family kick-off Saturday evening we will begin our week of VBS.  Each evening from 5:45 to 8:15 we will be walking through a fast-paced process that will include Bible study, learning about missions, crafts, music, recreation and snacks.

     To me the best part of VBS is just getting to love on some children for several nights in a row.  Jesus was always welcoming to children, and treated them with great value and worth.  He understood the potential for a child to begin a relationship with Him early in life.

    We get to be the hands and feet of Jesus next week as we do life with some young people, loving them, and encouraging them to have a personal relationship with Jesus that is life-giving.  Get involved in whatever ways you can, and pray for open and attentive hearts to receive the gospel.


July 4

