So God gave them a king
Our God is an amazing God in so many ways. One way that He amazes me is that He will give me what I want, even when it is not what He wants for me. In I Samuel 8 God’s people came to Samuel and demanded that he appoint a king for Israel. Immediately Samuel reacted to their demand. They were rejecting God as their rightful king in their demand for an earthly king. On three separate occasions Samuel reproved them for their foolish desire for a king, and warned them of the hard ways a king would force on them. They continued to want a king.
So God gave them a king. It wasn’t His best for them, but He gave them what they wanted. Ultimately, after living in some painful consequences, God’s people rued the day that He answered their demand for a king. Just because God answers our prayer is not always an indication we are walking in His will. God gave them a king, but there was no joy in His heart in doing so. Children can often whine and complain about not having something until a beleaguered parent acquiesces and gives the child what they crave — but there is no joy in the heart of the parent in doing so.
Let us be content with our lot in life each day. Let us consider that our Father knows our needs and wants what is best for us. If we need a “king” He will readily provide one. Truthfully if we will find our joy in Him, we won’t desire much else.