
     From the moment we are “birthed” into the family of God, Father God begins to walk us through the process of sanctification — that process directed by Holy Spirit that enables us to live lives set apart to Him.  This process also produces in us deepening levels of maturity.  Every believer begins at the same place in the process.  We are new creations, declared to be forgiven and righteous, in a love relationship with Father God, indwelled by Holy Spirit.

     Every believer also is being moved by Holy Spirit toward the same goal — the very image and nature of Jesus. (Rom. 8:29)  Ephesians 4 tells us that the Father’s desire is that we all would attain “to a mature man” and that we would “grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ.”  Maturity is His goal for each of us, but it is not automatic.  Maturity is the by-product of a faithful walk with Jesus.

     Our challenge is to purposefully walk with Him in such a way that He reproduces Himself in us.  Father God leads us, but we must make the daily choices to cooperate with Him so that we can grow up as we grow older.  As we mature we are better able to love Him and glorify Him.  There is no substitute for maturity and no short-cut to get there.  Every day must count in the process.  Let us live in such a way that we are able to give Him the gift of doing life with mature sons and daughters.




Memorial Day