Lord’s Supper
As Jesus shared the Passover meal with His disciples just before His arrest, He instituted with them a very special way of remembering Him and His loving acts on their behalf. He declared His new covenant with them, sealed with His blood. He offered His body, represented by bread, as a sacrifice on their behalf. He extended His offering to all who would follow Him in generations to come.
Jesus invites us to remember Him in the partaking of these two symbolic elements. We celebrate all that is available to us in this new covenant relationship with Father God. We proclaim the reality of His death and life as witness to His atoning work for all who will believe. We declare that He is coming again soon to receive us to Himself. We declare that we are rightly related to Him and to other believers as we partake of the elements.
Every time we do the Lord’s Supper we seek His presence, celebrate His loving acts on our behalf, and affirm our right connection with His body of believers. This Sunday during both services we will share this “meal” together.