We have begun a series on Sunday mornings in which we are delving into the Beatitudes that Jesus gave to us in the beginning of the “Sermon on the Mount.” In Matthew 5 His message begins with some short, pithy statements about certain personal qualities that bring the blessing of Father God. Each characteristic is given without any commentary or explanation. What is given is the particular benefit that accompanies the quality.
Jesus epitomizes each of the qualities given, and it is the Father’s desire to build each of these characteristics into the life of each and every follower of Jesus. It is a work He must do, but His work requires our cooperation. This work is progressive. Quality one precedes quality two. We don’t skip over some qualities to get to others.
Join us on Sundays as we discover insight into each quality and avail ourselves to the Father as He works on each of these in our lives. Immediately following the Beatitudes, Jesus says we are to be light and salt — to have influence for the kingdom. This influence comes from a believer who lives in the eight attitudes of being.