A Word of Reflection

Church family, Abby and I are overwhelmed with gratitude and humbled by God’s kindness shown through this past Sunday. From the moment we stepped into God’s calling for our family here at FBC Glennville, your love and support has been so evident. Your love for our precious King Jesus is so evident in the way that you have loved us. We love y’all!

Another part of this process that I have been deeply grateful for was the intentional examination of myself by others. 

On one hand, the result of something like this is that people you trust, admire, and respect affirm what God’s done and doing in your life. On the other hand, it presents an opportunity for those very same people to point out areas and help you be directed in what areas you need to grow in godliness.

Both of these things are so valuable for us as we seek to follow Jesus and they are made possible by examining ourselves. 

Paul laid out encouragement and exhortations for Timothy in his letter to him and told him to, “Pay close attention to your life...” (1 Timothy 4:16) 

What is a good way to “pay close attention to your life”? Having those around us intentionally examine us often is one, but I believe asking our Heavenly Father to examine us is even more important!

In Psalm 139, David is laying out a beautiful picture of how fully and deeply God knows him and us whom he created. God sees all, knows us, and is always present. What is David’s response to this very thought?

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way.” (Psalm 139:23-24)

If we are children of God, then we ought to come humbly before our Heavenly Father to search our hearts and lead us forward.

Love you Church! 

Pastor John


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