The Better Part

A Christian at a retreat center saw this sign on a walkway path: "Don't just do something. Stand there."  (Read that carefully).

The sign hinted of Psalm 46:10 (NRSV): "Be still, and know that I am God!"  It’s much easier to sense God's presence and know Him intimately when we make an effort to be still. Experiencing calmness requires taking frequent respites from our noisy, busy lives.

When Jesus visited the home of Mary and Martha, Mary sat quietly at His feet – observing, listening, learning.  Martha, however, was "distracted by many things," fretting about and maybe even fuming because Mary offered no help at all.

Jesus, sensing Martha's fury, told her to stop dashing about because there was need of only one thing: focusing on Jesus, His fellowship, His teaching, and His friendship.
"Mary has chosen the better part," the Lord said to Martha (Luke 10:42, NRSV).  When we make the choice to be still and sit at Jesus’ feet, we choose the better part as well.


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Don’t Fall Out