Student Ministry

A Word from Pastor John & GFBC Students

Church family! My prayer for this church and these students from the moment we felt like God was leading us here came from the words of Paul: “We are asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and understanding, so that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him…” (Colossians 1:9-10) Why is this our prayer? 

First, my heart’s greatest desire for myself, for this church, and for these students is to “walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him.” (Colossians 1:10)  

The purpose of growing in our walk in Christ is so that our lives would be worthy of the one who saved us, our Lord Jesus. People are drawn to want to please themselves and others. Therefore, my prayer is the exact opposite, praying that we would have a growing desire to please the Lord Jesus above everyone and everything else.

Second, growing in learning and living out our walk with God does not happen without God. If this is the case, then helping these students and us as a church family to grow in our walk with God doesn’t happen without prayer and God bringing the growth. 

Will you join us in this prayer? Pray for these students as they are being challenged each month to share with someone in their life about Christ. Pray for these students who meet for discipleship throughout the week. Pray for these students as they learn to pray and spend time in God’s Word on their own and together. 

Pray for these students as we study Philippians this fall on Wednesday nights. Pray for these students as they learn what it is like to take Jesus and their sin seriously. Pray for the students who are with us and who will join us that are apart from Jesus to turn from their sin and trust in Him. Pray for these students as they open up and discuss what they’re learning and how the truth changes their lives. Pray for God to grow this group closer together through everything.

As the Student Ministry Team and I serve these students, join me in praying for God to grow us, lead us, guide us, and empower us to be obedient to Him.   See inside newsletter for more information.


Shining for Jesus


Harvest Time