Sharing the Load

Some time ago, at a Midwestern county fair, a contest was held to see which draft horse could pull the heaviest load. One horse pulled a sled with a load of 4,500 pounds. It was the champion. The second-place winner managed to drag 4,000 pounds.

When the contest was over, one horse owner suggested that it would be interesting to see how many pounds the top two horses could pull together. When the animals were harnessed together they were able to pull 12,000 pounds! Together they had pulled 3,500 pounds more.

Church members working together can accomplish far more than they can alone.  What a blessing it is to serve and minister alongside other believers!   We must also remember when someone is going through a trying time, we can help relieve some of that burden.  Oftentimes that may simply mean being present and offering a listening ear.  As God’s hands and feet, let’s work together and help each  other through trials and struggles.   Allow the Holy Spirit to flow through you to minister to others in the name of Jesus.


A Very Wonderful & Special Country


Psalm 1:1-3