Rescued from the Pit

In Matthew 12:9-21, we are introduced to a man with a shriveled hand. This man would have been seen as ritually unclean. Therefore, he would not have been welcomed in a place of worship. However, Jesus responded by not only saying it would be good to heal the man, but actually healing him. 

     Isn’t it beautiful that Jesus did the same exact thing for us? Jesus told the pharisees who were questioning Him, “Who among you, if he had a sheep that fell into a pit on the sabbath, wouldn’t take hold of it and lift it out? A person is worth far more than a sheep…” (Matthew 12:11-12a).

     We all were the sheep that fell into the pit. It becomes incredibly easy for us to sit on a high horse and say, “Thank God I am not like that person…” However, the grace of God is seen for its true beauty when we realize the magnitude of our sin and of our desperate lostness. 

     I am personally incredibly thankful that Jesus saw me, a sheep, in the pit and rescued me. Now, even when it isn’t an official Sabbath day, I can rest in Him and Him alone. 

 ~ Pastor Brandon


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