Name Change

This coming Sunday night, our text comes from Genesis 17:1-8. 

Abram & Sarai had been waiting for God to fulfill the promises He had made to them. They find themselves much older and much more worn. However, God intervenes and reminds them of who He is.

Additionally, God reminds Abram and Sarai of who they are. 

Perhaps a better way to phrase it is that God changes the identities of Abram and Sarai.

Genesis 17:5 says, “Your name will no longer be Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I will make you the father of many nations.” (CSB).

Abram (The Father is exalted) becomes Abraham (Father of a Multitude).

Abraham’s name change is a significant reminder of the covenant God made with Abraham. Abraham will never forget what God has done and what He is doing because his (Abraham) very namesake is a reminder. 

For me, my name wasn’t changed from Brandon to Branhadon, but my name was changed from lost to found. My name was changed from slave to sin to slave to righteousness. My name was changed from child of darkness to child of the King!

Maybe today, read this passage and, by God’s Holy Spirit, remember that our identities have been changed, too!

Pastor Brandon


…Like a Father


Lord of the Harvest