Master of the Wind

Our Sunday morning scripture passage for April 28th will be from Matthew 8, where Jesus calmed the sea after a violent storm erupted while the disciples were in a boat on the Sea of Galilee. The last half of the chapter describes how Jesus healed two men who were filled with demons. The whole chapter is about the Lordship of Christ, and His complete control over everything; time, space, weather, spirit, physical and mental well-being; everything. How appropriate for us to observe the Lord’s Supper that day.

On Saturday, May 4th, up in Conyers, GA I will gather with several dozen former classmates for my 45th Rockdale County High School Class of 1978 Reunion. It is precious whenever we can celebrate special events in our lives, and I look forward to reconnecting with many old friends I have not seen in several decades. It is even more special anytime we can celebrate the special events of our faith and the Lordship of Christ . The Lord’s Supper is at the very top of those special events, or sacraments, which we lovingly observe as Christians. We will come together and remember Jesus’ body that was broken, and the blood that was shed, for our sins. 

Joel Hemphill pinned the words to a precious song, “Master of the Wind”. Please be reminded that Jesus is always in control of your life, if you are His child. If your boat of life is rocking in a storm, seek the Lord’s peace, healing, guidance and protection.

Verse: “My boat of life sails on a troubled sea, ever there's a wind in my sail. But I have a Friend who watches over me, when the breeze turns into a gale.

Chorus: I know the Master of the wind. I know the Maker of the rain. He can calm the storm, make the sun shine again. I know the Master of the wind.

If you have not yet given your life to Jesus, the calmer of rough seas, the healer and remover of all demons, please call on Him as your Lord today.

Your servant in Christ, Phillip




A Quick Dive into Testimonies