King Jesus
If I had to guess, every time you open up your Bible to Matthew 1, you glance over or even skip the genealogy. However, what if the genealogy actually pointed us toward, not only the reality of Jesus, but the Kingship of Jesus?
Matthew 1:1-17 is a seemingly unimportant section of Scripture. However, there is rich, rich truth to be found within the text.
Matthew 1:1 says, “An account of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.”
Just within verse 1 alone, we see three titles given to Jesus: Christ, Son of David, Son of Abraham.
Christ, or anointed one, is Jesus’ title as the messiah or savior of the world.
The title, Son of David, is significant because everyone knew the messiah would come from the seed of the greatest king the world had seen, King David.
The title, Son of Abraham, traces Jesus’ roots to His Jewish heritage. There is no denying that the King of the World came from the Jewish people, just as God said He would.
As a side note, notice the significance of “fourteen generations” found in Matthew 1:17. David is the central character of the ancestry given. In verse 6, he is the 14th name given. In the next section, in verse 16, Jesus is the 14th name given. This is no mere coincidence, but a significant beacon of light shining, declaring that this Jesus is not merely some man, but the Davidic King the world had long been waiting for!