
“It’s not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth—this defiles a person.” - Matthew 15:10-11 (CSB).

Many times, we find ourselves being more like the Pharisees and Scribes than we’d like to admit. We grow accustomed to our traditions and our way of living. In this process, we end up becoming robots who constantly perform commands and mindlessly execute traditions instead of considering how God is moving.

Matthew 15:8 says, “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.” 

Have we been giving God lip-service? Have we been pretending to be worshipers of God alone, all the while worshipping our way of living instead? 

The word, “defile” carries the idea that something was clean and has been made unclean. It carries the idea that something that was formed has now lost its form. 

We are all made in the image of God. As image-bearers, when hate, deceit, and slander come out of our mouths, we defile our God-given image. We lose the form God gave us. 

What comes out of our mouths is an overflow of what is in our hearts. If hate, slander, racism, derogatory remarks, and devaluing people is something that comes from your mouth, repent and ask God to restore a clean heart in you. 

We are never like Jesus when our hearts are hateful. We are like Jesus when the overflow of our hearts is filled with grace, compassion, mercy, and love. 

Today, pray that God will reveal what is in your heart. If it is not Christ-like, pray for God to change your heart. May we image-bearers be people who seek to make Jesus known to all and to advance His Kingdom!

Pastor Brandon


Heavenly Vision


Shining for Jesus