Clear Communication
I am reminded of the funny humorous story entitled, “The End Is Near”.
Two pastors from the local churches are standing by the road, pounding a sign into the ground, that reads:
“The End Is Near! Turn Yourself Around Now Before It’s Too Late!”
As a car speeds past them, the driver yells, “Leave us alone, you religious nuts.” From around the curve the pastors hear screeching tires and a big splash. One of the pastors turns to the other and asks, “Do you think the sign should just say, “Bridge Out?”
Recently, my wife Carole and I had to go out on the back porch and have a conversation about our communication. I was misperceiving some things I had taken as hurtful and wanted to get clarity. After taking the time to clearly communicate with each other, I realized no harm was ever intended by my precious wife. We had a sweet time of prayer and our marriage is better for taking the time to invest in that needed conversation.
As we pursue our vision to “Genuinely Worship, Love Each Other, and Advance God’s Kingdom”, let us be clear in our communication to one another. Mean what you say, and say what you mean. Listen better. If you make a promise, keep it. If there is cloudiness in a relationship with someone in our church body, please take the time to talk to them, and work out any differences. God will bless those efforts; you and our church family will be the better for it.
Your servant in Christ, Phillip