Cincinnati Church Plant
We are excited to let you know about another step in the journey...We have a church name!
We decided upon this name for several reasons.
First: A bridge is who we seek to be. The idea of bridge came up during training when we were working on the vision frame for our church. When scripting our mission mandate, we developed the phrase "Bridging the gap between where people are and who God designed them to be." As a church, we will seek to be a bridge as the body of Christ, connecting people with Jesus.
Second: Jesus was a bridge. A bridge is a perfect metaphor for what Jesus did for mankind as He died on the cross. He became the bridge that spanned the chasm between God and man that had developed because of sin.
A perfect life verse for our church is 1 Timothy 2:5-6, which says, "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time."
Third: Bridges are common. Situated on the Ohio river, Cincinnati has numerous bridges. Our church name includes a structure that is familiar and a part of our city.
It feels good to have a name and to be able to use it as we speak with people in Anderson. We are still working on a logo, color scheme, and website, but we wanted to let you know so you could pray for and speak of us by name!
Thank you for all you do to support us through prayer and finances. We will be in touch soon with a broader recap of what has been going on and what is coming up next.
Let's win Cincinnati!
Jonathan Howard