Chariots & Horses

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses,” proclaims Psalm 20:7 (NKJV)...“But we will remember the name of the LORD our God.”  Do these antiquated modes of transportation make this verse irrelevant to us?  Not if we broaden our notion of chariots and horses.

Some trust in fancy cars, boats, bikes, or snowmobiles for status or entertainment. Some trust in big houses, expensive furniture, or high-end fashion to feel important. Some trust in investments or a promised inheritance for security.  Some trust in food, painkillers, or alcohol to feel good — for a while.  Some trust in military might, academic degrees, sports, relationships, and so much more.

Let’s help one another trust instead in the name — and trustworthiness — of our God.  Even the psalmist didn’t do so alone; verse 7 says “we.”  We need friends and Christian mentors.  Above all, we need the Holy Spirit to assist us. IN GOD we’ll find our answers, our strength, and our purpose.


Prayer Meeting @ the Flagpole


The Power of Weakness