Bridge City Social
An important part of the church planting process is connecting with established churches who can come alongside and help in the process as a “partner.” Many times, church-planting partnerships are thought of as one-way relationships. They are considered one-way because support flows from the partner church to the planting church. While it is true that the majority of “help” flows toward the planting church, a true partnership happens when both sides are giving and receiving.
God is teaching me that even as an infant church, Bridge City has something to give to established churches. God has seen fit to partner us with churches who are linking arms with a church plant for the first time. The byproduct of this has been the opportunity (for Bridge City) to walk alongside churches who are learning how to partner as they go. As I regularly communicate with partner churches, I am reminded that these churches have questions. They have questions that pertain to Bridge City, but they also have general questions about the church-planting process. I love this because helping people see their role in church-planting was a part of my calling-story from the very beginning!
I am looking forward to being with you on Sunday, February 19. During the morning message time, I will give a report of what is going on with Bridge City. I am pumped to invite you back at 5pm, for Bridge City Social. During this time, I will continue to share about Bridge City, but I invite you to come with your questions. I would love nothing more than to field your questions about church planting, Bridge City, Cincinnati, NAMB, etc.
I hope you will make plans to be at both events on Sunday, Feb 19.
Let’s Win Cincinnati!
Jonathan Howard