Meaningful Numbers

Hey First Baptist Family, 

Numbers don’t tell the whole story, but they can help tell the story. I wanted to share several meaningful numbers with you. 

:  This is the number of people who attended Easter Sunday at Bridge City Church. Easter marked the third Sunday in a row that attendance has been in the twenties.

 April 3rd = 21 people

April 10th = 20 people

April 17th = 27 people

:  This is the number of new people who have visited at least once during the last four Sundays. We have had more visitors in the last month than we have total members of our core team (individuals who have said they are committed to help plant Bridge City Church). 

God continues to place people in our path who are open and interested. Almost every week, I have an interaction with someone around town who says “I don’t have a church, but I am looking.”

:  This is the number of baptisms we are preparing to have on April 24th. This Sunday afternoon, at 3:00pm, Bridge City Church will have its first Baptism! Six weeks ago, a guy named Josiah visited Bridge City. In the weeks following, we have had numerous quality conversations. Through these conversations, we discovered Josiah is a believer in Jesus, but has never been baptized. He has decided he is ready to take the step of obedience and make a public profession of faith through baptism. 

:  This is the number of Salvations we have seen in the last month. Six weeks ago, an individual named Mandi visited Bridge City for the first time. We have had a chance to get to know her and share the gospel with her. A member of our team has done an excellent job of being the hands and feet of Jesus to Mandi. On April 4th, Mandi gave her life to Jesus! 

We are now in the process of walking Mandi and Josiah through next steps as followers of Jesus. Both have started discipleship relationships with people at Bridge City. 

It is an exciting time at Bridge City Church my friends! The exact things you want to see happen with church are happening — people are being saved and choosing to publicly identify with Jesus. 

Please keep praying and keep supporting. God is doing His thing…He is bridging the gap between where people are and who He designed them to be!

—Jonathan Howard


Word + Spirit


Darkest/Brightest Day