Bridge City 2023 highlights

Happy New Year from Cincinnati! I have a tendency to get reflective as I turn the page from one year to the next. As we depart the starting blocks of 2024, I wanted to share a few highlights from 2023. 

Win #1: We received an invitation to participate in Winterfest. 

Anderson Township invited us to host a booth during winter fest. This was an event that we had participated in previously, but were going to skip (this year) due to having another event just prior. But then, the Township asked if we would participate, because “we always do a good job at having something for kids to do.” I can’t express to you how much this meant to me. 

It took two years of participating and showing up, but we finally were invited to participate. The invitation validated that we bring value to our community as well as confirmed that people are taking notice of what we’re trying to do. 

Win #2: We’re Getting Local.

The make-up of our church body changed in 2023. It changed from a group who lived 45-60 minutes away to families who live in and around Anderson. This was a transition that needed to happen. It wasn’t fun to lose some of those folks who were driving from distance, but being comprised of folks who live locally has given us the opportunity to start some new things. In addition to our Sunday service, we now have a Wednesday night small group and a men’s group that regularly meet!

Win #3: Regular deposits are starting to pile up.

We painted 115 fire hydrants in 2023! Since August, 2021, we have painted 428 hydrants, which accounts for 15% of the hydrants in Anderson. God continues to create divine appointments as we paint hydrants as strangers come up and ask “who are you?” “What are you doing?” and “Why are you doing it?”

Thank you for your continued prayer and financial generosity! God continues to work as He draws people to Himself. We are blessed to have a front row seat. We’d love for you to come visit and get a glimpse for yourself!

Let’s Win Cincinnati!

Jonathan Howard


A Word of Reflection

