
In Matthew 9, we are introduced to Matthew. 

    Yes, 9 chapters into the book of Matthew do we finally see Matthew. That is because the focus of the book is not on the author, but on the One the author writes, Jesus Christ. 

    Nevertheless, Jesus sees a tax collector and says, “Follow Me.” (Matt. 9:9)

     Jesus ends up reclined, eating with people that many would have never shared a table with, let alone be comfortable around. However, Jesus didn’t care about the social stigma of loving God’s image-bearers well. 

     The pharisees even tried to gossip about Him. Jesus quickly reminded them, “It is not those who are well who need a doctor, but those who are sick.” (Matt. 9:12).

     Let’s be honest with ourselves: We often present a perfect, unblemished version of who we are. We pretend that we have it together and that we are doing okay. If this were true, what need would we have of a savior?

      To put it plainly, I am a sinner who daily needs God’s mercies (which are new every morning). Let’s not be sick people who pretend to be healthy, but humble people who are real with the Lord and real with each other. 

 Pastor Brandon


Symbol of Love


Master of the Wind